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Uninterested Ending



Ignore all of the girls. Don't make any attempt to make them like you.​



highlight to see text:

[Monika will be angry at you for acting as if none of them are good enough for you.]

Most Improved Ending



Start off ignoring the girls, then finally write a poem to one.



Not implemented yet.


Jerk Ending



Refuse to join the club at some point during the first day. This is the quickest ending to obtain in the entire mod.



highlight to see text:

[Sayori will be mad at you and leave you a note saying she no longer wants to be friends with you since you were mean to her.                                  ]

Monika's Ending



Lean toward Monika throughout Act 1 of the mod and tell her you love her. Be careful, as one choice in particular can mess up your chances at getting this ending.



highlight to see text:

[Monika will express her love to you and show you that she is sentient. She will be happy with you for choosing her now that you're able to.                     ]

Endings 1

Rejected Ending



Lean toward Monika throughout Act 1 of the mod, but tell her you don't love her. Be careful as one choice in particular can mess up your chances at getting this ending.



highlight to see text:

[Monika will be angry at you to the point where she attempts to delete you. Realizing you can't be deleted, she will delete herself.                             ]

Sayori's Ending



Complete a perfect run of Sayori's route. Make sure you choose her best options.



highlight to see text:

[Sayori and you will hang out during the festival and you will ask her out.                                         ]

Endings 2

Act One Endings

Natsuki's Ending



Complete a perfect run of Natsuki's route. Make sure you choose her best options.



highlight to see text:

[.You tell Natsuki you love her and she agrees to go out with you. You spend the festival together trying out food.                                                       ]

Yuri's Ending



Complete a perfect run of Yuri's route. Make sure you choose her best options.



highlight to see text:

[You tell Yuri you love her and spend the entire festival with her. You finish reading the Portrait of Markov.                                                                   ]

Endings 3
Endings 4

Grieving Ending



You don't visit Sayori over the weekend after Monika comes over.



highlight to see text:

[You go over to Sayori's house the day of the festival, but she has committed suicide. You call 911, but she is already dead. You call Monika and tell her about Sayori. This ending was not caused by Monika.                                                              ]

Cheater Ending



Go to Sayori immediately over the weekend and tell her you love her, but be following another girl's route.



highlight to see text:

[Sayori is really upset and doesn't want to talk to you again.                                                              ]

Assistance Needed Ending



You do very little to attract the girls, but you do some.



highlight to see text:

[Monika talks to you and explains to you what a dating sim is, giving you tips for you to play one. She suggests you play again.                                ]

Love Ending



Equally lean toward all of the girls. This is a hard ending to achieve and will most likely happen by chance.



highlight to see text:

[.You tell the girls you love them, but they are creeped out because you love them all. They make you leave the club.                                        ]

Endings 5
Endings 6
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